Chronemics is the study of how we use time to communicate. Some of us
are preoccupied with time, while others regularly waste it. Some of us are
typically early, while others are chronically late. Some of us are early birds,
functioning best in the morning, while others, night owls, perform best at
Misunderstandings, miscalculations, and disagreements involving
time can create communication and relationship problems. What does it mean to
be “on time”? How is the concept of punctuality construed?
Status affords us greater power to control both our own time and
others’ time. The more status a person has, the longer others with less status
will wait to see him or her.
of Time: In
professional world, time is valuable commodity.
When you are late for an appointment, people react negatively. If you
arrive early, you are considering over eager. As a speaker, your awareness of
schedule is a chronemic element.
culture influences how we use and think about time. In some cultures people
live for today, but in others they are waiting for tomorrow. Thus, even the
meaning of the phrase “a long time” is influenced by how a culture’s members
conceive of time. There are two dominant time pattern: (1) Monochronic time
and, (2) Polychronic time
time: A monochronic time system means that things are done one at a time and
time is segmented into small units. Under this system time is scheduled,
arranged and managed.
· People in Monochronic time culture pay
attention to clock time and do one thing at a time
· People in Monochronic time usually engage
in one activity at a time. They tend to separate task.
· Time is a tangible commodity
· Members of individualistic cultures tend to follow the Monochronic time pattern
· Monochronic cultures include Germany, Canada, Switzerland, United
States, and Scandinavia.
Monochronic committed to the job
Monochronic People are concerned about not disturbing others; follow rules of privacy
and consideration.
Polychronic time: A polychronic time system is
a system where several things can be done at once, and a more fluid approach is
taken to scheduling time. Unlike Americans and most northern and western
European cultures, Latin American and Arabic cultures use the polychronic
system of time.
People in polychronic time pay attention
to relational time and may be involved in many simultaneous activities.
People in polychronic time tend to engage
in multiple activities at the same time
Time is a relational issue rather than a clock time
Members of collectivistic cultures tend to follow the polychronic time pattern.
· Polychronic cultures include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Mexico, Philippines,
India, and many in Africa.
Many polychronic cultures have a
past-orientation toward time
Polychronic cultures are committed to people and human relationships
· Polychronic People are more concerned with those who are closely related than with