Techniques to Develop Reading Comprehension
Cooperative Learning
Question generation
Understanding or Highlighting
Important Content
Note Taking
Recalling and Retelling
Giving title to the Paragraphs
Learning: While using this strategy the readers work in
groups. This is helpful as it promotes understanding, increase students
confidence and reduce tension.
Each group summarizes and shares
the content read
The shared summarizes are compared
· If any differences are observed
during the process of sharing, the text is revisited and the differences are
Generation: Before starting to read, a reader should have
a list of questions whose answers the reader tries to seek. The question may be of WH or yes / no type. This gives a clear
direction to the reader. After reading, the reader should ensure that all their
questions have been answered.
or Highlighting Important Content: While
reading, a reader should use pencil or pen. If it is a personal copy, a reader
can have his/her own strategy to mark important points or information. He / she
may underline a portion, draw asterisks, arrows, question mark or put certain
content into brackets. One may also use highlighter but very carefully and not
highlighting everything.
Taking: A student should prepare the visual map while
reading. This will help him/her to decide if the content is understood or not.
If the reader finds it difficult to take notes then it can be understood that
he / she has difficulty in comprehending the text. After making notes, the
reader should revisit them and verify that they make complete sense.
and Retelling: Having completed the reading, the reader should try to
recall everything he/she has read and retell the same thing to someone who is
interested in the similar content. The process of retelling expects a reader to
recall everything he /she read and organize them in an appropriate manner. Thus
the habit of recalling and retelling something appropriately and effectively
develops reading comprehension.
Title to the Paragraphs: The reader should try to give a
title to each paragraph while reading. The title will reveal his / her
understanding of the text and would him/her while referring to the same text at
a later stage or while skimming the text at the time of exam to have a bird’s
eye view of the difficulty in the text.
There are several tips to improve comprehension skills which are
as under:
- Read a variety of materials.
- Do not limit yourself to textbooks.
- Read a fairly long portion of the material.
- Try to read entire section or chapter.
- Mark out unknown or unfamiliar words as you read and find out the meaning later
- After reading, recall as much information as possible.
- Jot down point if you like it.
- Improve attention and concentration while reading.
- Promote critical thinking and evaluation of reading material.
- Do not skip the unknown information or words
Thus above tips would help the
person to comprehend the message very effectively.
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